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Adult musicianship training course

Adult Musicianship Training Online Course | 成人音樂技巧網上訓練課程


27/4開始, 逢星期三晚6:30-8:30, $1960/4堂(8小時), 每4堂收費


  • 小班教學,充足實踐機會

  • 全面性訓練,提升整體音樂技巧

  • 提供課後練習,確保穩定學習進度

  • 學生為本教學,配合每位學生不同需要

  • 導師經驗豐富,提供有效的漸進式及針對性練習

  • 配合網上學習平台,清楚了解學生進度

  • 學生可以隨時重溫課堂影片


  • 已考獲8級或以上學生或音樂導師

  • 預備就讀音樂系課程之學生

  • 現就讀音樂系並希望在課餘能進一步提升音樂技巧之學生


  • 提升視譜能力

  • 提升聆聽及視唱能力(有助背譜能力)

  • 提升節奏感及拍子節奏閱讀能力

  • 提供練習方法讓學生在課後能繼續自行練習及進步


  • 有助提升合奏技巧

  • 有助背譜能力

  • 有助減低學習新歌所需的時間,從而有更多機會接觸更多作品

  • 提升整體音樂感及自信心

  • 減低面對新樂譜時的焦慮感






Born in Hong Kong, Cheung Ping began studying piano and violin from the age of five. He furthered his music education at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the guidance of Nancy Loo, Amber Chum and Raymond Young. During this period, Ping was awarded the Tom Lee Music Scholarship, Chan Ho Choi Enchanting Music Scholarship and the Society of APA Scholarships. He also studied piano under the highly regarded pedagogue Bernd Goetzke in Germany, and views this as an important period in his pianistic development. In 2015, Ping was selected to be one of the promising Young Music Makers by Radio Television Hong Kong.

Starting from 2010, Ping has regularly performed in master classes by Sequeira Costa, Stephen Savage, Lee Kum Sing, Vanessa Latarche, Aquiles Delle Vigne, Peter Serkin and Fernando Garcia Torres. Ping was the recipient of the Molly McAulay Scholarship in 2016 and subsequently obtained his Master’s degree in Piano Performance at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, studying under the tutelage of Gerrard Willems and Phillip Shovk. Ping actively partakes in chamber music and formed the quartet Etoile which premiered in 2008. Ping was the artistic director and conductor of Arco Music Academy Chamber Orchestra in Sydney. Additionally, Ping also has extensive performance experience, having given both solo and collaborative recitals in Hong Kong, Halle, Leipzig, Berlin, Sydney and Brisbane. Ping enjoys a wide range of musical activity by combining classical music with other areas, from pop culture and drama to community work. In 2013, he appeared as the director, composer and starring performer in Music X Dream, a music comedy show. In 2014, Ping founded Rhythmic, a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing educational concerts for underprivileged children in Hong Kong.

Ping is also currently teaching at Haw Par Music and Baron School of Music.


考慮緊去美國音樂院校留學嘅學生,萬勿錯過嚟緊10月30日香港時間8-10pm嘅線上講座. 由兩位留美10年及以上的音樂博士為大家講解報考須知,內容亦包括認識大學種類,如何挑選合適自己的學校,如何預備不同文件,例如personal statement, 了解audition及interview過程和注意事項,了解不同獎學金類型及如何negotiate獎學金offer,及認識美國院校文化等. 屆時亦有Q&A session.

兩位講者均曾在美國擔任助教及獲近全額獎學金於美國頂尖學校畢業,除分享學生時期的經驗外,Dr. Katy Ho Weatherly現為美國首都華盛頓校區聯網管理層,擔任教師顧問及音樂課程編訂總顧問,亦經常與不同表演藝術團體合作(例如The Kennedy Center, Washington Performing Arts等). Dr. Elsa Lee亦曾於2018-20獲選為美國音樂大學學會(College Music Society)東北部董事及2017 Eastman Leadership Conference的5位學生代表之一,曾與不同大學的院長及老師共事,對美國大學架構及收生流程有一定的理解.




*每位報名者於講座舉辦後如需要一對一consultation, 可享半價優惠*



Enquiry: +852 63971018


Dr. Katy Ho Weatherly

Dr. Elsa Lee

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